To apply for a permit visit
Flathead County has adopted a new burn permit system that is currently used by 29 other counties in Montana and has combined the efforts of fire and air quality personnel. The new permits are available starting May 1st online at: .
You will only need to obtain 1 permit and can add as many burn locations as necessary. Each day that you intend to burn you will need to activate your permit online or by phone following the instructions on the permit. You will not be able to activate your permit if air quality or fire danger conditions are not favorable.
Burn Permits are FREE and may be obtained, activated, or renewed HERE. Burn permits are required when lighting a fire, either piles or broadcast burning, to consume vegetation (trees, branches, shrubs, leaves, dry grass, etc.). Once you have obtained a burn permit, stick it on your fridge and keep that permit number forever— it is the number that you will renew annually and activate each day before you burn. You only need one permit and may add as many burn locations as necessary. Permits will not be activated if air quality or fire danger conditions are not favorable. Permits must be on site while burning, please print or simple have available on a digital device.
Outdoor burn season - Your permit is valid for one calendar year, January 1 through December 31, although burning is prohibited during July, August, and September due to fire season. Outdoor burning remains the top cause of wildfires and wildland fire response in the Flathead. Burning will be allowed during the winter months when ventilation is favorable. Permits are not required for recreational campfires measuring less than 48-inches in height and diameter.
If you have additional questions, you can call the DNRC Office at 406-751-2270 or the Flathead County Health Department at 406-751-8130.
A few tips before you burn:
Out of control burning is the #1 reason for wildfires in our area.
Only vegetation may be burned, no man-made materials of any kind.
Check the weather forecast and DO NOT BURN when gusty or high winds are predicted.
Fires should be attended until completely out.
Have enough water, tools, and help on site to extinguish your fire if necessary.
